Neck pain because of the pillow wrong? Choose a comfortable pillow!
Here's how to choose a comfortable pillow that's right for you…
You've tried them all, massages, hot baths, soothing creams... but the pain in your skin cervical don't seem to leave you alone?
Maybe you have a job that ties you to your desk for most of the day and even there, the pain is constantly present?
It is possible that the cause of all this is the pillow you are using.
As much as you can stimulate blood circulation, spend money on massages or soak in the tub hoping to resolve the situation, as long as the choice of pillow remains incorrect the problem will certainly not be solved, rest assured.
We'll also tell you why: well, sleep hours make up about a third of an average person's day, and during all that time the neck is subjected to deleterious loads.
In this article, we will guide you towards choosing a pillow that will not create a dangerous burden on your neck while you rest.</ span>
It may be a reality that doesn't affect you in the slightest, but did you know that about 32% of people make mistakes when choosing a pillow and, consequently, end up paying for it with your health?
Many people, in fact, when they decide to buy a new pillow, often let themselves be guided more by the eye than by its intrinsic functionality. It's true that the eye wants its part, but a cushion that's beautiful to look at, perfectly placed inside the bedroom, with bright colors and attractive shapes it doesn't necessarily mean that it's also healthy!
Try to look closely at the your pillow, do you think it's right for you?
Lately we've been seeing all kinds of them around, from unlikely geometric shapes to excessive dimensions (or excessively small!), with consequent indecision on the part of the buyer which one to opt for, but let's remember that if the product is not suited to your needs it could lead to consequences that are not exactly pleasant for your body.
Let's talk, for example, aboutpillow height.
If you were to use one higher than the ideal size, the chin and neck would assume an unnatural position, generating tension and contractures on the joints. Well, did you know that it has been shown that around 60% of Italians suffer from neck pain due to taking incorrect postural positions daily during the sleep and wakefulness phases?
According to a recent study carried out on 510 people between 20 and 40 years old, the data collected would show that approximately 42.5% of the people interviewed think that the pillow they are using is not suitable for them, while 54.5% are convinced of the opposite.
Well, it seems that within these percentages there are very widespread people who, despite using a pillow of the wrong height, don't pay attention to it more than so much so, blaming one's pain on other factors that have nothing to do with it.
But it doesn't end there!
Did you know that the wrong pillow can lead to the onset of other problems?
If it isn't the neck that is affected, it could be the brain, in the form of annoying headaches. In fact, it is believed that an incorrect pillow can cause pressure on the nervous system, worsening blood circulation due to harmful tension loads.
In this case, the size of the pillow does not seem to be the cause, but rather the degree of rigidity. A pillow that is too soft, in fact, will make your head sink, while one that is too rigid will not allow you to assume a stable position: in both cases it will not be possible to obtain a regenerating rest!
Even the hips may not be spared: the spine forms an S-curve that extends more or less from the height of the neck to the hips. If this were to be forced to assume an unnatural position even in just one point, the entire "system" could be affected, leading to pain even in areas such as the hips. This tendency is found especially in those who do not have too much body massonsistent.
But it doesn't end here: a pillow that is too high would seem to contribute to the triggers of so-called sleep apnea and snoring. The chin would in fact be pulled down, with the consequent partial occlusion of the airways: during sleep it is important that breathing is regular and correct, also to promote the flow of blood to the brain.
So, to avoid the onset of such complications, which pillow should you opt for?
So far we've talked about size and rigidity. Well, these are two fundamental aspects to which it is necessary to add a third item: “materials", whose correct "dosage" allows us to define the optimal pillow for our health. Let's start by defining the ideal size of the pillow.
Try standing up against the wall, trying to adopt a natural posture as much as possible. Here, when you sleep your head and the level of your chin should be in the same position as when you are standing: in this way the spine will maintain its natural curvature even during the hours of sleep. If you usually sleep on your side, make sure that the portion of the spine that goes from the shoulders to the area corresponding to the cerebellum forms a straight line.
Let's move on to rigidity</span >. As we said before, a good pillow should not be too firm or too soft. During rest we often tend to change position and the pillow must be ready to react to the stresses given by the different positions in which we rest our head. The ideal degree of rigidity is found halfway between the two extremes, in such a way as to guarantee the right softness, while still providing firm support!
The head is pleasantly welcomed and protected by the pillow, even if you often tend to change position during sleep.
Last, but not least, factor must be identified in the material.
There are currently numerous types of pillows on sale with different designs, but it is a common opinion among experts that those capable of providing the best rest experience possible in total safety at the level of health maintenance are made of lattice and memory foam.
These are the most suitable materials for an ideal cushion, since they possess the right amount of softness and elasticity characteristics suitable for providing a healthy rest and maintaining the correct position of the spine.
According to your needs, they come in different shapes and sizes. For example, for those who are particularly sensitive in the cervical area you can find the so-called wave modelwave. Or, for those who want the classic cushion that we all know, it is necessary to opt for the classic model with a soap bar< span style="box-sizing: border-box;">. Furthermore, for those who need a slightly higher than average pillow, the solution can be given by the model Bio double Aloe< /span>, which combines the beneficial effects of memory with a slightly more consistent thickness.
There are also details cushions for temperature regulation which offer a fresh sensation thanks to the gel insert placed on the surface .
In short, there is something for all tastes, b auction choose Marcapiuma quality!