Natale Nardello e Figli Srl has its origins a long time ago, it was founded in Venice in 1911. Its path was immediately marked by internationality, in fact it was born as a company importing mattress wool from England.
The advent of the Second World War forced the Nardello family to abandon the city of Venice and seek refuge in Montebelluna, a charming town located in the province of Treviso. Despite the war, the company was able to survive unscathed and continue to conduct its business at the service of customers. Times change, the market evolves and so does the company, adapting to the needs required by the period. In 1957 Gianni, Natale's youngest son, sensed the need to differentiate the offer and decided to attempt the construction of a more modern, innovative, more practical mattress than the wool one: the mattress with springs.