About us

Marcapiuma® brand was born long time ago, it was founded in 1911 by Natale Nardello & Figli Srl in the city of Venice. Since its foundation, Marcapiuma® opens its business towards internationality, starting as wool importer for mattresses use from the UK.

Second World War strikes and forces the Nardello family to leave Venice and find shelter in a little city near Treviso, Montebelluna. As the war goes on, the company finds the way to survive unscathed and keeps on doing business for the sake of its customers.
Times change, so does the market, and Marcapiuma® manages to perform a great adaptation process putting substantial effort into design, development and construction of its business. In 1957 Gianni, the younger son of Natale, is able to foresee the need of a strategy differentiation and this ultimately leads to the design of a more modern, practical and better product that we all know now: the spring mattress.

So the Enneflex brand was born, with the “Enne” of Enneflex representing the letter N in italian, standing for the first letter of the “Nardello” family name. Shortly after, Enneflex brand name goes through a changing process and soon becomes Ennerev Mattresses, moving its headquarters from Montebelluna to Volpago del Montello. In the late 70s, the company becomes one of the brightest reference point for all those who wish to sleep better with greater comfort.

Afterwards Paolo, Natale’s nephew, takes the lead and adds a whole new product line-up, consisting of Latex, Memory Foam and Waterfoam mattresses. In addition, new beech sprung slatted bed frames, pillows, duvets and accessories become part of the line-up expansion.
Here’s the company finally taking shape in what has become nowadays: like its beginnings, Marcapiuma® keeps up the process of building a more international related business, despite not forgetting the great value built within Italy, its cornerstone of not-expendable importance, where everything has begun.
In the first years of the 21st century, as stated by the law, Marcapiuma® decides to apply for UNI EN ISO 9001 quality certification. In 2003 it manages to get the updated ISO 9001:2000 (vision 2000), which nowadays has been turned into ISO 9001:2015.

Marcapiuma® is a manufacturing company, specialized in direct selling. In other words, Marcapiuma® produces and sells its own products directly to its customers, consequently being able to cut down costs and offer a optimal ratio of quality/price. But above all, Marcapiuma® values its greatest power, its customers. In fact, Marcapiuma®, being a direct selling company, has the opportunity to build a strong bond with its customers, putting substantial effort into developing and keeping strong business relations. In addition to that, Marcapiuma® only uses first class Oeko-Tex® certified non-harmful materials.

Marcapiuma® also values the great friendship established with AMREF Health Africa, a non-governmental organization we support to help starving children in Africa.

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